HARROW BOWLS CLUB Founded 1902 — Affiliated MCBA 1912 |
Founded in 1902 by Thomas Dell a retired Jeweller and watchmaker from Harrow on the Hill, Harrow Bowls and Croquet Club was situated in Harrow Recreation Ground, Harrow. Dell became the club’s first Captain and Secretary. In 1912, due to the overwhelming popularity of bowls, the croquet section was discontinued. The club affiliated to the MCBA in 1911 and became one of the 14 original founding clubs. In 1913 Harrow reached the final of the Lipton Cup, later to become the Joseph Cup (1920). In 1922 a new Cumberland turf green was laid and the opening ceremony was performed by Lady Cynthia Mosley, wife of Oswald Mosley, at that time a Harrow Labour M.P.
1915 saw the arrival of Tom Potts, a young Cheshire bowler. He remains the greatest bowler in the history of Harrow B.C. Seven times club singles champion, and England international from 1922-27, Potts was made County President in 1925. Being senior Vice-President of the EBA, Potts was due to be made President in 1929 when he died at the age of 50, just before his inauguration.
The ‘20s and early ‘30s were the halcyon years for Harrow and after a lean post war period the club recruited some celebrated bowlers including Kevin Bulman (MCBA singles champion 1979) and Ken Jones (Unbadged Singles winner in 1970). With these bowlers, in 1983, Harrow were County fours winners. However, it was not until 2008 that another County honour was achieved with the Double Fours championship. In the same year A.W. Paulley became the second Harrow member to be elected County President.
Lady Cynthia Mosley (daughter of Lord Curzon) delivering the jack on the new Harrow Cumberland turf green in 1922. Tom Potts can be seen second left in the group of bowlers | M.C.B.A. Honours MCBA Presidents:1925,Tom Potts 2008, A.W. Paulley, 2011, B. Elbourn Singles: Winner: 1979, K. Bulman. R/U1932, S. Taylor. Pairs: R/U: 1999, B. Elbourn, P.Perry. Fours: Winners: 1983. R/U: 1913, 1924, 1927. Double Fours: Winners: 2008. R/U: 1915, 1930. Unbadged Singles: Winner: 1970, K.Jones. |