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Harrow Bowls club is the oldest bowls club in Harrow, yet it is a forward thinking, vibrant club with a lively committee and flourishing membership.
We are always keen to recruit new members (both playing and non-playing) whether they are established players or total novices. Don't worry if you are new to the wonderful game of bowls. We have two enthusiastic coaches who provide free tuition. New members always comment on the warm, friendly reception they receive here.
We have friendly roll up sessions four times a week, a Friday night club night (when we enjoy good catering and a very well priced bar), club competitions and a very full fixture list.
There is much laughter and companionship to be found at HBC. To understand more about our enjoyment of bowls and our many social activities including away days and holidays, please click on the newsletter tab above.
Car Parking
To get to the car park from Harrow View, turn into Buckingham Road (opposite Radnor Road) and then go left into Salisbury Road. At the end go left and immediately right into Roxborough Road (HA1 1PB). Entrance to car park is along on the right. Walk past the playground. The Green is straight ahead. Otherwise park in Beresford, Althorpe, Chandos or Grafton Roads. If parking in the road enter park opposite Chandos Road. At end of path turn right and walk about 200 yards. Bowling Green in front slightly to the left.